Monday, August 20, 2007


My feelings about the novel were fairly positive by this point. Rufus has become my favorite character by this point; not because I like him, but because his complexity and the relationship he develops with Dana intrigue me. Although he does some horrible things, I have at multiple points in the novel found myself pitying him. He seems to see Dana as a sort of mother figure, but of course in an Oedipus Rex sort of way. The involvement of Kevin in traveling to the past with Dana was an interesting twist, and I looked forward to finding out the toll that it would take on their relationship. Another thing I have enjoyed up to this point in the novel is Butler's depiction of the ease with which people (such as Rufus, Dana, and Kevin) can be assimilated into such a repulsive society. It became clear that the reason for which Dana was being called back in time, time and again, to save Rufus was because he represented some part of her family line, although this explanation is found wanting.

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